Mission and History

Our Mission:

To maintain and expand recreational opportunities in Upper Kittitas County through partnerships with government, land owners, and the public.

Kittitas County Parks and Recreation District 1 was created in 2005 through a ballot measure approved by voters in the Cle Elum, South Cle Elum, Roslyn, and Ronald precincts.  In 2007, the District expanded by adding the voting precincts of Easton, Kyak, Kachess, Mountain, Peoh Point, Roslyn Outlying, Westside and the western half of Teanaway  – enlarging the district to nearly 700 square miles.  Despite being the county’s only government entity without a tax revenue source, the district owns the Evergreen Sno-Park near South Cle Elum which helps sustain the existence of the district.



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