Roslyn Ridge Nordic Trail System

The Roslyn Ridge Nordic Ski and Fatbike Groomed Trail System is an eight mile network of intermediate trails located above Roslyn. These trails support non-motorized winter activities such as fatbikes, nordic skiing, randonee skiing and snowshoeing. The system includes three looping trails that have a moderate overall physical rating. The system climbs 1,150 ft with a max elevation of 3,200 ft then descends -1,153 ft.

The trail system was built and is maintained by Roslyn Trails Alliance and Ride Roslyn. These dedicated groups of volunteers have been improving the system over the last several years. KPRD1 is honored to be the permit holder to allow for this system to exist in our district.  

Trail access is located at the junction of 6th and Alaska Ave. Please drop gear at the trailhead and park at Pioneer Park/Runje Field.  For current information on the trail conditions please visit Ride Roslyn.

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